"You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the f**k on." ~Tupac Shakur
As women, especially single women (okay maybe that is just my frame of reference because I am single) we have a tendency to analyze and OVER- analyze everything! It is one of my pet peeves! It drives me crazy when I catch myself doing it, and it makes me even more crazy when my girl friends find themselves caught in the vicious loop of seemingly never ending “what if’s.” Such a big part of avoiding this is having a little confidence. STOP second guessing everything. I am not sure what it is about being female that leaves us so vulnerable to this colossal waste of time and energy. One seemingly unimportant example of this is found in the following experience: I was talking to my friend Jane, and she was literally falling all over herself because a certain male friend had called and asked her to join him for a trip to a Suns Basketball game last week. In an effort to avoid assuming anything Jane asked this gentleman how much the tickets would cost, intending to pay for hers. He proceeded to tell her “I’ve got the tickets.” Rather than just being insanely excited and grateful, Jane proceeded to worry and analyze over every possible implication for the better part of the day leading up to the game. Now correct me if I am making assumptions, but my advice to her was, Say “Thank you!” Have a great time at the game and offer to pay for snacks or drinks at the game if you are feeling the need to contribute to the evening. Don’t ruin the anticipation of the event by analyzing before hand. Oh and BTW analyzing after the fact is useless too! We can’t change events that have already happened and we can’t force the things to come. As women we need to be confident, strong, and stop worrying about what other people think, it doesn’t matter. Be true to yourself and to your choices that is where strong powerful women are found. And when we exhibit strength and power that is what we attract to ourselves in people and experiences.
Miss Bennett
***Names changed to protect the worrier
3 ovary-actions:
I love this! So funny.
Have you ever heard of a paragraph or perhaps a better text layout. It's nearly impossible to read.
so true. i used to make myself such a victim of this type of analytical anxiety. still happens, but not like before.
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